Friday, July 15, 2011

More Six Row Beer is Coming Soon!

The great thing about so many people tasting our beer and liking it is that they want more. The problem, as a small craft brewery, is that the demand can quickly outgrow our ability to provide our beer to everyone who wants it.

We are excited to announce that the first step in solving that issue is underway. We've been planning an expansion project that would allow us to brew almost four times more beer than our current capacity, and the equipment arrived a couple weekends ago!

We're very excited.  We feel like this was the delivery of a major award.
Wow! New fermenters! That's mine!

It doesn't have a compass in the stock, but it also won't shoot our eye out.
As you can see, construction is underway and we are optimistically hoping to have these up and running by mid-August. We'll post more updates and photos as we progress through the project.

1 comment:

  1. Is this in the same buildings?

    When does the bottling line come on?
